WLD 136A: Beginning Wire Welding

Credits 3
Course Adoption Date
Audit Available

Introduces common weld joint in the 1F and 2F positions. Develops foundational skills required for advancement in future coursework. First class in a four course sequence. Audit available.

Addendum to Course Description

At the beginning of the course, the course syllabus will identify the methods used to evaluate student progress and the criteria for assigning a course grade. The student will be evaluated on his/her ability to demonstrate the development of course outcomes. The methods of evaluation may include one or more of the following: oral or written examinations, quizzes, written assignments, welding tests, safe work habits, task performance, and work relations.

Course Outcomes
  • Function safely in a welding shop environment.
  • Operate oxyacetylene portable and track cutting systems in accordance with industry standards.
  • Weld common joint configurations in the 1F and 2F positions.
  • Use knowledge of heat control and bead placement to make code quality welds.
Grading Options
Letter Grades