CAS 171: Intermediate Excel

Credits 3
Course Adoption Date
Course Revision Date
Audit Available

Introduces advanced features of Excel to design and create accurate, professional worksheets for use in business and industry. Includes financial, logical, lookup, data analysis and database functions; pivot tables; "what-if" analysis with data tables; importing data; complex graphs; and macros; and solver features. Focuses on ways to ensure accuracy including proofreading techniques and critical thinking to determine what data to present and how to present it.

A major goal is to develop better computation skills. Improved spreadsheet design through critical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving is also emphasized.

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of the course students will be able to:

  • Apply critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision making skills to independently design and create complex Excel spreadsheets following current professional and/or industry standards.
  • Organize, manipulate, and analyze data using Excel data analysis tools.
  • Communicate in a business setting using spreadsheet vocabulary.

Instructor permission also accepted.

Prerequisite Courses
Grading Options
Letter Grades