

HE 112: Standard First Aid and Emergency Care

Credits 1

Describes emergency procedures and techniques of basic life support for adult, child, or infant victims of airway obstruction, respiratory arrest and/or cardiac arrest. Provides education and training in Automated External Defibrillator. Upon successful completion of this course, students may earn an American Red Cross Standard First Aid and CPR/AED Adult/Child and Infant CPR certificate.

This course will cover major aspects of first aid with regard to emergency care and preventative measures. The student will learn the proper methods and procedures for applying CPR in given emergency situations. 

HE 242: Stress and Human Health

Credits 4

Explores and analyzes stress and its relationship to human health. Examines various personal stressors and the links between stress and disease. Covers how to manage stress with healthy coping and relaxation techniques by using current research and multiple perspectives. Evaluates personal stressors and surveys numerous methods to manage stress.

HE 250: Personal Health

Credits 3

Inspires close examination and evaluation of factors that influence one’s personal health and wellness. Involves critical analysis of health information related to the biological, psychological, sociocultural, and environmental impacts on personal health from a wellness perspective.

HE 295: Health and Fitness for Life

Credits 2

Explores the interrelationship of the five components of physical fitness, nutrition and stress management concepts and activities to increase individual health and wellness.