
Wire Feed Welding Certificate

Note: This certificate is not Financial Aid eligible, but the larger Shipbuilding and Repair Level II certificate is Financial Aid eligible.

WLD 146B: Basic Pipe Welding Practice

Introduces joining pipe in the 2G position per ASME Section IX Welding Code. Second class in a four course sequence. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

•Function safely in a welding

WLD 246B: Advanced Pipe Welding Practice

Introduces joining pipe in the 5G position per ASME Section IX Welding Code. Fourth class in a four course sequence. Audit available.

Addendum to Course Description

This is a outcome based course

WLD 246A: Intermediate Pipe Welding Practice

Introduces joining pipe in the 6G position per ASME Section IX Welding Code. Third class in a four course sequence. Audit available.

Addendum to Course Description

This is a outcome based course

WLD 131: Gas Metal Arc Welding

Develops knowledge and skills welding with GMAW on ferrous materials using short circuit and axial spray transfers in common welding positions. Prerequisites: Department permission required.
